Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year!

The first snow of the season came to us before Christmas and the boys had a blast. We received about 4 inches of snow. I bought a couple of sleds and they had a blast playing with the kids in the neighborhood. It's cold right now- supposed to get down to about 10 degrees. The high was only about 25 and the boys decided to go outside and work on their fort. Don't ask me..... I thought it was way too cold. I know for some of you 10 isn't that cold, but for us who just spent the last 8 years in Augusta, GA -it's REALLY COLD!

The Holidays were pretty good. We went back to Gainesville for Thanksgiving. For those of you we didn't see..... Please forgive us. We debated making it widely known that we would be coming back, but decided to keep it to ourselves because we wouldn't have enough time to get up with everyone and spend time with our Family. When we visit next time we'll make sure to let everyone know and make some time for visits. This was our first Christmas all by ourselves. We usually either visit family or they visit us. It was nice though and we really enjoyed spending the time together.

New years was pretty void of excitement. We stayed up and let the kids stay up too. Gabe barely made it. Once midnight rolled around he said "that's it?" It was a little anticlimactic for him. We bought the boys some confetti guns (how appropriate for boys) and they had fun shooting them. We adopted a tradition from Todd's dad (chocolate fondue) and bought all kinds of junk food. We snacked all night and played some games. Maybe next year we will be a little more adventurous.
So that's it for the most part. Things are back to normal now and we are just plugging away at life. Todd's job is going great and Ezra is doing well in school. Gabe and I just hang out at home, go to the gym and play! What a rough life. Thanks for checking in. I'll post more soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

من تادم.

در جدال با اِزرا و با گِیبی ،
اسم خود برفته همی از یادم!

من تادم.

در خیال دوستان و داستان هایم،
گهی غمگین... گهی شادم.

من تادم.

دست قضا مرا زِ جیورجیا برکند،
بختم چه بود که در مریلند افتادم؟!...

من تادم.